Research Article Open Access

A Novel Linear Array Antenna Based on UWB Slot Antenna

Faten Ben Ghenaya1, Ridha Ghayoula1 and Ali Gharsallah1
  • 1 Unit of Research in High Frequency Electronic Circuits and Systems, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Tunis, Tunis El Manar University, Campus Universitaire Tunis-El Manar-2092, Tunis, Tunisia


This paper introduces the novel Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) antennas for UWB applications. We used two different structures, the first is fed by micro-strip line and the second is a compact coplanar waveguide fed planar slot antenna. These designs are a small on planar antenna. The substrate used is FR4 that have the characteristics following: Permittivity εr = 4.4 Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band systems (IR-UWB). The frequency central is 5.6 GHz and shows good characteristics for IR-UWB. The radiation pattern and gain are simulated and we compared between the different results we have obtained.

American Journal of Applied Sciences
Volume 13 No. 3, 2016, 290-298


Submitted On: 11 July 2015 Published On: 25 March 2016

How to Cite: Ghenaya, F. B., Ghayoula, R. & Gharsallah, A. (2016). A Novel Linear Array Antenna Based on UWB Slot Antenna. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(3), 290-298.

  • 1 Citations



  • Wireless Communications
  • UWB Antenna
  • Linear Antenna Array