Research Article Open Access

The Effects of Moisture Content and Loading Orientation on Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Tiger Nut

Long Wang1, Can Hu2, Wensong Guo1, Xiaowei He1, Xufeng Wang1, Jianming Jian3 and Shulin Hou3
  • 1 Tarim University, China
  • 2 Modern Agricultural Engineering Key Laboratory at Universities of Education, China
  • 3 China Agricultural University, China


The physical and mechanical properties of the newly “Zhongyousha No.1” and the traditional “Yousha” Chinese tiger nut varieties are studied. Several physical and mechanical properties of the two tiger nut varieties were determined as a function of moisture content (at five levels of 40.0, 32.0, 24.0, 16.0 and 8.0% wet basis). The physical and mechanical properties including length, width, thickness, geometric mean diameter, surface area, sphericity, compression rupture force, firmness, shear rupture force and shear strength. All tiger nut mechanical properties were significantly affected by moisture content (P<0.01). The results shows that the physical properties decreased linearly by decreasing moisture content. The compression rupture force increased linearly from the average of 175.56-208.77 N as moisture content increased from 8 to 40%. While for the shear rupture force and shear strength decreased linearly from the average of 109.73-91.72 N and 1.03-0.63 MPa, respectively. There is a quadratic relationship between firmness and moisture content from the average of 51.80-65.20 N/m. The compression rupture force in the vertical loading orientation is significantly greater than that of the horizontal, while the shear rupture force is higher in the vertical than horizontal. “Yousha” tiger nut possessed higher mechanical strength than “Zhongyousha No.1”. The results can be used as design parameters for suitable harvesting machinery and food processing equipment.

American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Volume 17 No. 1, 2021, 109-117


Submitted On: 4 January 2021 Published On: 19 March 2021

How to Cite: Wang, L., Hu, C., Guo, W., He, X., Wang, X., Jian, J. & Hou, S. (2021). The Effects of Moisture Content and Loading Orientation on Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Tiger Nut. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 17(1), 109-117.

  • 4 Citations



  • Tiger Nut
  • Physical Properties
  • Mechanical Properties
  • Moisture Content
  • Variety