Research Article Open Access

Sound and Digital Class Room: Smart Way to have a Language Laboratory

Budi Yulianto1, Muhsin Shodiq1 and Lusiana Citra Dewi1
  • 1 Binus University, Indonesia


Development of information technology encourages educational institution to run the multimedia system interactively and easily. Multimedia technology that has video and audio streaming element takes an important role in interactive teaching activities between teachers and students. Streaming or transmission of video and audio has bandwidth, delay and loss packet. The objective is to design and develop an interactive multimedia system for language classroom to facilitate learning activities. The system is connected through LAN network used combination of TCP, UDP and RSTP connection to cover optimal bandwidth, delay and loss packet. The methodology is literature study, observation and system design using Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach. Automated and interactive learning activity using multimedia streaming technology. The system is tested and its main functionality is only focusing on Class Speech, Personal Speech, Share Desktop and Share Video. All these functionality can run very well, but need several improvement for next version.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 9 No. 6, 2013, 708-715


Submitted On: 3 January 2013 Published On: 1 June 2013

How to Cite: Yulianto, B., Shodiq, M. & Dewi, L. C. (2013). Sound and Digital Class Room: Smart Way to have a Language Laboratory. Journal of Computer Science, 9(6), 708-715.

  • 7 Citations



  • Multimedia
  • Video and Audio Streaming
  • Language Classroom
  • TCP
  • UDP
  • RSTP
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)