Research Article Open Access

Simulated Annealing Decoder for Linear Block Codes

Lahcen Niharmine1, Hicham Bouzkraoui2, Ahmed Azouaoui3 and Youssef Hadi2
  • 1 Mohamed V University, Morocco
  • 2 Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
  • 3 Chouaib Doukkali University, Morocco


In this study, we introduce a novel soft decoder, the first of its kind, for linear block codes, based on Simulated Annealing algorithm (SA). The main enhancement in our contribution which let our decoder over performs with large gain (about 3 dB at 710-4) the classical SA approach, is to take the most reliable information set of the received codeword as a start solution and also according to this reliability generate neighbor’s solutions. Besides, our algorithm performance is enhanced by reducing search space when we involve the code error correcting capability parameter. The performance of the designed algorithm is investigated through a parameter tuning process and then compared with other various decoding algorithms in terms of decoding performance and algorithmic complexity. Simulation results, show that our algorithm over performs its competitor decoders while keeping minimum computation cost. In fact, our algorithm has large gain over Chase-2 and GAMD, furthermore, it over performs the most efficient and up to date DDGA decoder by 2 dB at 10-5 for RS codes.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 14 No. 8, 2018, 1174-1189


Submitted On: 24 June 2018 Published On: 4 September 2018

How to Cite: Niharmine, L., Bouzkraoui, H., Azouaoui, A. & Hadi, Y. (2018). Simulated Annealing Decoder for Linear Block Codes. Journal of Computer Science, 14(8), 1174-1189.

  • 1 Citations



  • Error Correcting Codes
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Soft Decoding
  • Linear Codes
  • Metaheuristic