Review Article Open Access

Artificial Intelligence in e-Health: A Review of Current Status in Healthcare and Future Possible Scope of Research 

Sapna Katiyar1 and Artika Farhana2
  • 1 Advisor (Technology), Impledge Technologies, India
  • 2 Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Jizan University, Saudi Arabia


ArtificialIntelligence (AI) has been emerging promptly currently due to softwarealgorithms, hardware employment, and applications in many sectors. TheHealthcare sector is drawing the attention of healthcare professionals andresearchers from a multidisciplinary viewpoint like administration, business,finance, record keeping, decision making, and services. Extensive usage ofelectronic health records gives rise to an immense quantity of clinical data.For patient welfare, disease diagnosis is vital for appropriate treatment buthuman inaccuracy may obstruct precise diagnosis because of complex medicalinformation. The usage of information and communication technologies togetherevolved e-health. Integration of artificial intelligence in e-health smoothensthe various challenges faced by healthcare systems. In this review, the authorshave attempted to summarize the applications of artificial intelligence invarious fields of e-health: Improving electronichealth records, disease diagnosis and decision making, remote patientmonitoring, and telehealth. Healthcare experts can understand how well AI worksand supports in refining task execution with increased efficiency, minimizingthe pressure of workload, and optimizing resources, best example has been observedin the pandemic COVID-19 scenario. More work and innovations will be endured byresearchers with encouragement to thrust the boundary and it will broaden thelatitude of healthcare sectors as well as AI algorithms.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 18 No. 10, 2022, 928-939


Submitted On: 11 July 2022 Published On: 6 October 2022

How to Cite: Katiyar, S. & Farhana, A. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in e-Health: A Review of Current Status in Healthcare and Future Possible Scope of Research . Journal of Computer Science, 18(10), 928-939.

  • 3 Citations



  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Healthcare Applications
  • Electronic Health Record
  • Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Telehealth
  • COVID-19