Literature Review Open Access

The Benefits of Selected Nutritional Compounds Towards Atherosclerosis Management

Anastasia Vladimirovna Poznyak1, Mariam Bagheri Ekta2, Vasily Nikolaevich Sukhorukov2, Mikhail Аleksandrovich Popov3 and Andrey Vyacheslavovich Grechko4
  • 1 Institute for Atherosclerosis Research, Osennyaya 4-1-207, Moscow, Russia
  • 2 Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Pathology of Cardiovascular System, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery (FSBSI "Petrovsky NRCS"), Abrikosovsky Per., 2, Moscow, Russia
  • 3 Department of Cardiac Surgery, Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI), 61/2, Shchepkin Street, Russia
  • 4 Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology, Moscow, Russia


Globally, the prevalence of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome is steadily rising, potentially giving rise to the most extensive non-communicable health crisis ever recorded blocking the flow are able to break and cause a blood clot. The possible consequence is a significant increase in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease rate. The atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease largely depends on modifiable factors, however, even though there are significant efforts to manage traditional risk factors, a significant residual risk remains, which varies depending on studies and statistical analysis methods. Currently, lifestyle recommendations have not succeeded in having a proper impact on the burden of the double epidemic of metabolic diseases and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Increasing healthcare costs indicate the need for fresh strategies that are able to improve long-term commitment in the future. In this review, we summarized data on the dietary impact on atherosclerosis, paying special attention to the nutrients that have the potential antiatherosclerotic activity. Today, it is obvious that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one of the main components of the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Diet is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, there is no uniquely ideal power scheme. Although the beneficial effects of a number of nutritional compounds and their mechanisms have been described, the development of an ideal diet for each individual subject is a challenge for future research.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 24 No. 1, 2024, 48-63


Submitted On: 5 April 2023 Published On: 2 November 2023

How to Cite: Poznyak, A. V., Ekta, M. B., Sukhorukov, V. N., Popov, M. �. & Grechko, A. V. (2024). The Benefits of Selected Nutritional Compounds Towards Atherosclerosis Management. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 24(1), 48-63.

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  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Nutrition
  • Diet